Saturday, July 25, 2009

Think again

This facebook stuff is fascinating. I chatted with Robert this morning. He’s a seminary student that I’ve known all his life. He was the first baby I ever saw dedicated when I was new on staff at Kinoole. I called him Bobby.

And tonight was the Enrichment Program’s family night marking the end of the summer. It was a good program. This was the 35th summer of the EP. Makes me think of all the summers gone by, all the kids and all the staff. You come to the end of the summer tired, but loving each young life – kids and staff.

About 3 weeks ago I was in the doctor’s office with a fever. The nurse gave me the test for the flu. As she was doing this, she asked where I worked. When she found out where, she said she went to our preschool when she was 3-4 years old. But, she didn’t remember who was her teacher.

There have been times over the past 35 years when my arrogance takes over and I think I’ve been so influential in kids’ lives. Most of the time I am very aware of how inconsequential my influence has been. When I see where these kids & staff (most of the staff were students and students in transition) have ended up in life, the choices they have made in life, I realize what the reality is. The truth is parents are the greatest influence.

And then there is a “Bobby”. Growing up in the church. There he is on 25 year old video, in the front line of the ep family night singing his heart out. And despite all the ups and downs of growing up, there he is in seminary, responding to God’s call and chatting with you on facebook. Makes you think again.

I guess most of the years in ministry is less about my influence on others and more about God’s influence on me – the sanding down of my rough edges, the heat that makes the impurities of my character float out. It is more about obedience on my part, faith & trust issues between God and me. Less about me, more about him. Humility. Humility = U b 4 me.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

I have got to see that video. :) It continually amazes me that God saw all of this in His plan. It always reminds me of how perfect His plan is. No matter how much I mess it up, try to control it, or think it cannot work out...there He is showing His power and wisdom everyday...knowing what is best for all of us. His plan is best...but I seem to always make Him laugh by telling Him what I think those plans are...:)