Friday, January 30, 2009

On the back burner

Layne got a new set of pots for the kitchen on the day he left to go back to CO right after Christmas. He said it was "time." Grandma's old pots were old. The bottoms were curved and didn't sit flat on the stove. How could you cook well with pots like that? (Who cooks anyway?) So we took out all the old pots and he reorganized the cabinet. Gave me instructions for the rest of the kitchen as he packed to leave. All mom's pots are in boxes waiting for the garage sale. Most of them she got as wedding gifts, I think.

But there's one pot that's hard to let go. All the meals cooked in that pot for us - stew, spaghetti, nishime, curry stew. I thought about pulling that one out of the box and giving it to Jamie for a wedding present. Maybe with something planted in it. Or dedicated to some other use. Maybe then it will be useful again.

It's a good thing human beings are valuable not only for their usefulness, but more so for their presence. Just being around. Just like Grandma, sitting at the back of the church in her wheelchair - just smiling.


Leytonrhys said...

I made it into a post. Haha.

jamie drake said...

I really enjoyed reading your post... If I do end up getting the pot I definitely will cherish it.

See you next week! :)

can't wait!

Suze said...

Hi Gail,
I enjoyed reading your post. I also have a blog. It's about sewing. Kathy & Grant also have blogs. You can find their links on my blog. Glad to know you're doing well.
Take care,