Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today makes 7 years. 7 years since the surgeon removed the cancer from me. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for every day since that day.
Thank you for being able to wake up and see a new day.
Thank you for the new songs I've heard and played and sung since that day.
Thank you for the conversations I've had with people who are very important to me that made me glad I was alive to hear it.
Thank you that you have graced me with another year, another day.
I wonder if other cancer survivors are like this? You never forget the day.
I wonder if I should rename this blog "numbers".

I've been waiting for our stats to blog on the 40 Days of Community. So, I guess we'll wait a little longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when I found out you had cancer. We were in California and we had never met. But because I "knew" you through Ken's stories of your time in Tahoe all those summers ago, I cared about you and I was so sad and scared because I had always hoped to meet you and I didn't want your time on this planet to be over. And I didn't want you to suffer, I just didn't want you to have cancer. It's funny even thinking about it now, because I realize what a different reaction I had to that news than I've ever had about someone I don't personally know. It's as if my spirit must have known how important you were going to be in my life. And you are Gail. I'm so grateful God has given you these 7 years and allowed me to get to know and love you for myself. What different people my kids would be without you. Whose couch would I be sitting on when the world drives me crazy? You once said to Ken and I, "God brought you here for me." Well. I say, God left you here for so many of us. We rejoice with you. May God continue to leave you here with us, we need you.